FMCT Consulting, LLC's core expertise is in the use of modern computational modeling techniques for engineering applications and product design. We use state of the art modeling tools for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) for design, development and improvement of engineering equipment in the area of mechanical, civil, aerospace, and several related industries. Other than CFD and FEA, FMCT Consulting, LLC also offers other engineering services for 3D design, modeling and analysis of engineering systems.​

  • 25+ years experience using CFD/FEA for power, energy, coal, emerging green-tech & HVAC industry. ​

  • CFD modeling for HRSGs, SCRs, heat exchangers, GT exhaust systems, acoustic silencer systems, spray dryer absorbers (SDA) & Flue-gas desulphurization (FGD) units, coke oven systems, flow control devices and industrial duct and vane systems.​

  • Experience developing software tools & algorithms using programming for full system-level and component-level product design.​

  • Structural FEA analysis for linear and non-linear materials, thermal FEA​

  • Fatigue evaluation and life-cycle study​

  • Vibrational analysis / Frequency response ​

  • Pipe stress analysis​

  • 3D Engineering modeling/CAD/drawing, parametric modeling and automation

  • 1D/2D system level designs, heat and mass balance calcs., combustion related calcs, MS-Excel macros


FMCT Consulting, LLC specializes in the design and simulation of engineering applications,

  • Turbulent flows

  • Conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer

  • Reacting flows and mass transfer

  • Buoyancy driven flows

  • Multi-phase flows (Eulerian & Lagrangian)


Structural modeling consulting for engineering components and processes.

  • Finite element analysis (FEA) involving linear and non-linear analysis

  • Fatigue evaluation and life-cycle study

  • Vibrational analysis & frequency response study